How Much Water Should You Drink?
My dear wife Yvonne has been trying (and rightly so) to get all of us in our household to drink more water. She found a page on the Goodhousekeeping web site that shows you how to calculate the amount and printed a copy out for herself to use.
I thought that this would be a perfect little coding application and preceded to create a Pen on CodePen that you can use to easily figure out how much water that you need to drink daily. You can add the members of your family and it remembers the values on that computer/device for that particular web browser (it saves the input values locally).
Note that when you exercise, you need to drink even more water than the base calculated value. This makes sense when you think about it because your body will be sweating during this time as a way to cool your body. This means more loss of water! But it’s worth it right? We need regular exercise! Just make sure you’re drink enough fluids like water so you can rehydrate!
BTW: You probably already know this, drinking caffeinated beverages is dehydrating since caffeine is a diuretic. For every amount of caffeinated fluid you drink, you should drink an equal amount of fluid without caffeine to balance it out (I learned about this during a running clinic at the Chicago Area Runners’ Association (CARA). When exercising, it probably makes sense to avoid caffeinated beverages altogether.
See the Pen How Much Water Should You Drink? by Orville Chomer (@orvilleChomer) on CodePen.
Here’s to a happy, healthy life of good choices!