Robert Scoble Gives Career Tips
Robert Scoble did a post today addressing what to do if you lost your job in the 2008 recession. I think allot of these tips are very good. When going over them I thought how many of these could apply even if you still have your job! I mean, it couldn’t hurt to position oneself better career-wise.
The advice about working on one’s blog posting items in their area of expertise. Posting a video a day to You-Tube, again, covering something in their area of expertise. This has set me to thinking about this blog, what I can post here that would be useful, as well has posting one short video a day on You-Tube, again, on some short subject that I really have a handle on.
Just zeroing in on this is a great idea for those of us who still have jobs. I tend to have grand ideas for my web site/blog. I don’t want to throw away those ideas… but I need to think about giving my readers/viewers useful stuff in the near-term that will ultimately better position myself and my career.
So what do you think? Do you have any other ideas?