“I Lost My Underwear” App Version 2 Has Been Released to Apple App Store
So far, the only app I have ever finished and placed in the App Store is not my own app. It is an app I have written for a friend. He wrote a book of humorous poems with illustrations called “I Lost My Underwear Today and other flights of imagination.” You can find this book for sale on Amazon. He asked me to create an interactive version of the book as an app for the iPad. This is when the iPad was brand new!
Now I have finished version 2. Not only does it run on the iPad, but the iPhone and iPod Touch as well. It now has little splashes of color, some sound effects, and the page turning looks like you are turning pages in a book as opposed to flipping pages of a legal pad (which is what it looked like in version 1).
So, it is out in the app store and I know that some people that I know have bought it and left reviews. So far, in the App Store, no sales show up nor any ratings or reviews are showing up. I wonder how long it takes before those things start to be visible.
Give it a try, its only 99 cents! 🙂
If you can leave some feedback below that would be very cool too.
Here is a link: