Canon HG10 to MovieMaker Tutorial: Status
I’ve been working on and off on a tutorial for getting video out of a nifty Canon HG10 high-def video camera into Windows Moviemaker. It is about 90% done. It has taken me longer than I expected.
Take last night for example: I was going to work on it, but Apple came out with this update for the iPhone. I spent most of the evening first updating my MacBook, then my iPhone. Then it was time to go to bed… no time to work on the tutorial. Us old folks can’t stay up too late on weeknights! …Where’s my Geritol?
The night before I was showing a Lean Software Development video to my wife that I found on Google. Alot of good information on process improvement, some which can be used in any area not just programming. We both watched some addition video from some Six Sigma course material I have for a class I’m taking in February. Another night shot!
Tonight I am planning on working on the tutorial though. I am so close to getting this done!